Other Original Shorts

Title: The Attack
Playtime: 2 min 45 seconds
(c)2001 drop the bomb productions
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.
About: A silly little video I made with my older cousin Ruly and my younger brother David during 2001. One of the reasons for making it was to show Ruly what I could do with Videofactory. So enjoy the cheesy special fx and a blast from my video-producing past.

The Attack on Vimeo

Title: Sept 11: The Day America Lost its Innocence
Playtime: 11 min 23 seconds
(c) 2001 drop the bomb productions
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.
About:Showcased at the DV Film Festival at Cornell Univsersity. This was my response to and interpretation of the terrorist attacks.

You may need to turn up the volume in your speakers if the sound is too quiet.

Part 1

Sept 11: The Day America Lost its Innocence (Part 1 of 3) on Vimeo

Part 2

Sept 11: The Day America Lost its Innocence (Part 2 of 3) on Vimeo

Part 3

Sept 11: The Day America Lost its Innocence (Part 3 of 3) on Vimeo

About sharing: I don't mind if you download to your computer (or share it via filesharing program), just please don't remove or change anything and always give credit where it is due, thanks.

created 2 Dec 2006
last updated 26 April 2007