Welcome to Some Sort of Productions

My 2002 Hobbit video.

The Hobbit on Vimeo

Or you can check out my Drivers Ed video ~15 minutes to dl on Broadband

Legend of the Drunken Master

Legend of the Drunken Master on Vimeo

I also have a Turtle video made by a friend of mine ~15 minutes to dl on Broadband

A machinima video I made about my friends using Sims 2

10 Little S'mores (Part 1 of 3) on Vimeo

10 Little S'mores (Part 2 of 3) on Vimeo

10 Little S'mores Part 3 of 3 on Vimeo

My Power Paragliding Experiences

My Power Paragliding Experiences from vv3dg3 and Vimeo.

Have You Seen This Plot Before?

Have You Seen This Plot Before? from vv3dg3 and Vimeo.

500 Miles of Friendship